Paints & Coatings

Paints & Coatings

AZ Technology developed most of its existing line of materials, paints, and coatings for use on spacecraft, satellites and specialized terrestrial applications such as solar panels and observatories to meet specific customer-driven optical and resistivity requirements. Our product designs are low outgassing and space stable and meet toxicity and flammability requirements. AZ Technology tailors product properties such as reflectance, emittance, ESD, and color to your specific requirements. We have the expertise and facilities to develop, produce and apply products to meet your specifications.

Most of our coatings have been exposed to the space environment for long periods of time. Specifically, AZ Technology’s coatings have been applied to: Optical Properties Monitor (OPM) attached to the outside of the Russian MIR space station (approx. 9 months); the MIR MEEP POSA-I experiment (approx. 1 year); the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) attached to the outside of the International Space Station (approx. 4 years); and/or on the exterior of the International Space Station itself (1 to 10 years).

Summary of AZ Technology Paints

Below is a brief summary of AZ Technology’s existing line of paints/coatings and their thermal and conductivity properties. The product names are linked to detailed descriptions, specifications, and summaries of performance in space testing. Links to detailed pdf’s or htmls are given below the table.

Product Property Binder Color Solar Abs (α_s) Thermal Emittance (ε_t) Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq)
White Thermal Control and Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) Paint/Coatings
AZ-93 TCC Inorganic White 0.15±0.02 0.91±0.02 N/A
AZW/LA-II TCC Inorganic White 0.09±0.02 0.91±0.02 N/A
AZ-2000-IECW TCC, CC Inorganic White 0.28±0.02 0.90±0.02 104-106
AZ-2100-IECW TCC, CC Inorganic White 0.15±0.02 0.90±0.02 108-109
AZ-400-LSW TCC Organic White 0.15±0.02 0.89±0.02 N/A
Black Non-conductive and Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) Paint/Coatings
ML-210-IB TCC Inorganic Black 0.98±0.02 0.91±0.02 N/A
RM-550-IB TCC Inorganic Black 0.97±0.02 0.91±0.02 N/A
AZ-1000-ECB TCC, CC Inorganic Black 0.97±0.02 0.89±0.02 102-104
MLS-85-SB TCC Organic Black 0.98±0.02 0.91±0.02 N/A
MLS-85-SB-C TCC, CC Organic Black 0.98±0.02 0.91±0.02 ~105
High Temperature Low Emittance Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) Paint/Coating
AZ-3700-LSW TCC, CC Organic Gray 0.22 – 0.25 0.25 – 0.33 106-109
New White Thermal Control Paint/Coating for Space and Terrestrial Applications
AZJ-4020 TCC Epoxy White ~0.15 AM 0, ~0.10 AM 1.5 ~0.88 N/A
Color Paint/Coatings for Logos and Emblems on Spacecraft/Satellites
AMJ-400-IG MLC Inorganic Green ~0.56 .90±0.02 N/A
AMJ-600-IR MLC Inorganic Red ~0.45 0.91±0.02 N/A
AMJ-700-IBU MLC Inorganic Blue ~0.75 0.88±0.02 N/A
AMJ-710-IBU MLC Inorganic Skyblue ~0.54 0.89±0.02 N/A
TMS-800-IY MLC Inorganic Yellow ~0.36 0.89±0.02 N/A
TMJ-810-ICY MLC, CC Inorganic Yellow ~0.30 0.86±0.02 108-109
TMJ-20-LSB MLC Organic Black ~0.96 0.91±0.02 N/A
AMJ-450-LSG MLC Organic Green ~0.56 0.85±0.02 N/A
AMJ-650-LSR MLC Organic Red ~0.48 0.89±0.02 N/A
AMJ-750-LSBU MLC Organic Blue ~0.76 0.81±0.02 N/A
AMJ-760-LSBU MLC Organic Skyblue ~0.54 0.89±0.02 N/A
TMJ-850-LSY MLC Organic Yellow ~0.36 0.86±0.02 N/A
Other Paint/Coatings and Materials
MLP-300-AZ Primer Epoxy Based Light Gray

1TCC: Thermal Control Paint/Coating; CC: Electrically Conductive Paint/Coating(Electrostatic Dissipative, ESD); MLC: Marker/Logo Paint/Coating for emblems, flags, navigational guides etc.
2This coating was previously ML-440-WSO
3Terrestrial and space coating custom made for solar observatory.
4Detailed specifications page unavailable. Please call for details.

*Note: Paint refers to a liquid coating prior to application and coating to a fully dry coating after application. Also, terms reflectance, emittance and absorptance and terms reflectivity, emissivity and absorptivity are often used interchangeably.

1. Coatings Substrate Compatibility (pdf)
2. Paint Storage and Shelf Life (pdf)